Protecting Yourself From Experian Identity Theft | Bill Clanton

Protecting Yourself From Experian Identity Theft

Experian identity theft processes exposed to an onlooking victim of id theft.

Identity theft involving your Experian credit report can wreak havoc on your finances and peace of mind. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know if you become a victim of Experian identity theft or credit fraud.

Understanding Identity Theft

Identity theft is when someone steals elements of your personal information and uses them to commit fraud, often financially related. It can involve:

  • Opening new credit cards or loans in your name using your Social Security number
  • Making unauthorized charges on your existing credit card accounts
  • Damaging your credit report with errors or completely fraudulent accounts using your identity

With major credit bureaus like Experian holding vast amounts of sensitive data on millions of people, they can become targets for identity thieves. Your Experian credit report contains extensive information about your credit history, including:

  • All credit cards and loans issued to you
  • Any missed or late payments
  • Bankruptcies or other public records
  • Hard credit inquiries from lenders checking your creditworthiness

If fraudulent activities appear on your Experian credit report, it’s critical to act swiftly to limit the impacts. The identity thief may apply for credit in your name, max out cards, or default on loans, all of which can devastate your credit standing and financial reputation.

Spotting the Warning Signs of Identity Theft

Be alert for the following red flags that you may be an identity theft victim:

  • Receiving credit cards or bills for accounts you didn’t open
  • Getting debt collection calls regarding debts that aren’t yours
  • Noticing a sudden, unexplained plummeting of your credit score
  • Seeing denials for new credit applications without justification
  • Catching suspicious charges on your credit card statements
  • Receiving medical bills for care you didn’t receive
  • Learning an identity thief has changed your mailing address with creditors
  • Discovering someone has gained access to and changed your Social Security number
  • Having your driver’s license stolen or duplicated
  • Becoming victim to passport fraud with the thief using your identity
  • Finding out tax returns were already falsely filed in your name
  • Seeing fraudulent charges from retailers you don’t shop at

Steps to Take Immediately If You’re a Victim

If you suspect you’re an Experian identity theft victim, taking action quickly is vital to minimize damages. Here are the steps experts recommend:

Obtain Free Credit Reports from All Three Bureaus

Pull your credit reports from Experian, Transunion and Equifax to identify any fraudulent accounts or errors. Under federal law, you can obtain free credit reports annually from For more frequent monitoring, you can also get free monthly reports through Experian’s CreditWorks Basic service.

Closely review the credit reports, watching for:

  • Any accounts or credit inquiries you don’t recognize
  • Incorrect personal details like your name, address or former employers
  • Suspicious hard inquiries made by lenders you haven’t applied to
  • Outstanding debts falsely accrued or not owed by you
  • Inaccuracies like late payments for bills you paid on time

Be sure to print or save PDF copies of your credit reports highlighting any potentially fraudulent activities to share with each credit bureau’s fraud department and law enforcement.

File an Identity Theft Report with Local Police

File an official identity theft report with your local police department or the Federal Trade Commission’s fraud-reporting website for identity theft at This police report or FTC affidavit will aid you in disputing any fraudulent accounts or records resulting from the identity theft.

The reaseon a police report or an affidavit is requried to prove you are a victim of fraud is that if there is a report of identity theft is made falsely, there is a consequence. The id theft report or affidavit proof that you are a fraud victim.

When filing the report, provide as much evidence of the identity theft as possible, including:

  • Copies of your credit reports highlighting the fraudulent accounts or info
  • Any collection letters or notices you received for unrecognized accounts
  • Receipts, bank or credit card statements proving your whereabouts for disputed charges
  • Actual or photocopies of suspicious applications made using your identity
  • Bills, insurance paperwork or other mail linked to the identity thief’s activities

Make sure to obtain a copy of the final identity theft report or the FTC identity theft affidavit and reference number. This report is key for the next steps.

Immediately Contact Experian to Report the Fraud

Phone Experian’s fraud department right away to report you are an identity theft victim. Be sure to have your identity theft report from the police ready, as Experian will request a copy. Ask Experian to:

  • Block any accounts opened fraudulently using your identity
  • Remove any inaccurate credit information resulting from the identity thief
  • Place a victim of identity theft flag on your Experian credit file

Follow up the call by sending a letter via certified mail summarizing your request, attaching copies of your police identity theft report and your flagged credit report showing the fraudulent entries.

Dispute Any Inaccurate or Fraudulent Credit Information

Formally dispute any unrecognized accounts, addresses, late payments or other fraudulent info that appears in your Experian credit report as a result of the identity theft. Submit copies of your police report and any evidence proving the information is fraudulent along with your dispute.

Experian must investigate within 30 days unless they consider your dispute “frivolous” or “irrelevant.” Keep detailed records of all correspondence and phone calls with Experian’s fraud department. If Experian does not promptly remove the fraudulent information, proceed to the next step.

Place an Initial Fraud Alert or Extended Alert

Request that Experian place a 90-day initial fraud alert on your credit file to warn lenders to verify your identity when someone applies for credit in your name. Once the initial fraud alert expires, if you have an identity theft report, you can renew it or request an extended fraud alert for additional long-term protection. An extended fraud alert lasts for 7 years.

Fraud alerts force lenders to take steps to confirm identity before approving new credit, making it much harder for an identity thief to open additional accounts in your name. The 7-year extended alert also entitles you to extra copies of your credit reports.

Report the Identity Theft to Other Agencies

Additionally report the identity theft to the other major credit bureaus, TransUnion and Equifax. Follow similar procedures of providing your police report and requesting fraud blocks, victim alerts and removal of any fraudulent information from your credit files.

You should also contact the Social Security Administration to report fraudulent use of your SSN and request a new number. Notify the DMV concerning driver’s license identity theft and the passport agency for stolen passport numbers. File a complaint with the FTC and contact your banks, credit card issuers, healthcare providers and anywhere else relevant accounts may be affected.

Ongoing Protection After Identity Theft

Even once the immediate fraudulent issues are addressed, remain vigilant and take preventative steps to avoid additional identity theft damage.

Monitor Your Credit Reports and Accounts Closely

Many identity theft victim assistance sites advise signing up for credit monitoring services. While such services may notify you of key changes or suspicious activities related to your Experian, Equifax and TransUnion credit reports. The trade-off is often not worth it. CreditKarma is a good service, but the services offered by the bureaus come with arbitration agreements that will keep you from brining a lawsuit in court. If you are determined to use a credit monitoring serice look for services that do not have an arbitration agreement and alert you to credit inquiries, new accounts opened, change of address notices, and more. Also set up account alerts with your financial providers.

Check your credit reports frequently for unauthorized activities – don’t wait once a year for the free reports. Review bank and credit card statements closely also. It’s key to detect identity theft early before major financial damage.

Consider Placing a Fraud Alert or Security Freeze

A fraud alert requires verifying your identity before approving new credit but still allows access to your credit report. A security freeze seals your credit report against new account openings unless you lift it, providing maximum protection.

Continue Disputing Inaccurate or Fraudulent Information

Use the FCRA’s dispute process to remove any further fraudulent or incorrect information that appears in your credit reports as a result of identity theft. Submit copies of your police report and supporting documents with each dispute. This is an ongoing process.

Seek Help from Consumer Protection Agencies

Use resources like the FTC’s and their experts to get help guiding you through the recovery process and securing your identity and accounts. Acting quickly and knowledgeably is key to resolving identity theft issues.

If Experian’s negligence contributed to the identity theft committed against you, consider seeking legal help to take action and hold Experian accountable.

Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Experian must employ stringent procedures to verify the accuracy of credit data. If their systems fail and your Experian credit report is compromised as a result, you may have grounds to take legal action.

With an attorney experienced with the FCRA and credit reporting laws, you may be able to receive financial compensation for the losses and damages caused by the identity theft, including:

  • Reimbursement for unauthorized transactions and expenses incurred addressing the fraud
  • Compensation for damage to your credit and increased borrowing costs
  • Money for emotional distress due to the stress and anxiety of being an identity theft victim

An attorney can also advise you on ensuring the identity theft issues are fully resolved, your Experian credit report is corrected, and that Experian meets its legal obligations to protect your data. You don’t have to struggle through identity theft alone.

Take Control to Recover from Identity Theft

Being an identity theft victim can feel overwhelming but taking action to protect your credit and seeking justice can help you regain security. Monitor your credit closely, dispute fraudulent information, implement preventative measures, and consider legal help. The key is acting swiftly against identity fraud. You can restore your good name.

Stand Up, Fight Back, and Reclaim Your Financial Identity

Every moment you waver, the implications of identity theft continue to loom over your future. But you have the power to rewrite this narrative. By joining hands with Clanton Law Office, you’re not just securing experienced legal representation—you’re making a declaration that you won’t be an easy target, and that those responsible will be held accountable.

This fight is not just about recouping potential financial losses, it’s about upholding your rights, demanding better standards, and ensuring a more secure future for yourself and countless others.

Don’t let faceless corporations and cybercriminals dictate the story of your financial journey. Stand tall, armed with the legal prowess of Clanton Law Office, and turn the tables on those who’ve wronged you.

Act now. Every second counts. Secure your future and send a resounding message to all credit bureaus.

Contact Clanton Law Office today. Because your financial identity is worth fighting for, and with us by your side, you’ll never fight alone.

About The Author

Bill Clanton

Over the years my office has helped thousands of consumers who were cheated, ripped-off, and mistreated by debt collectors, credit reporting agencies, banks, credit unions, and car dealers. If you have a problem with a business being dishonest with you give me a call. I’d love to set them straight.