Why Deleted Accounts Reappear on Your Experian Credit Report and How to Dispute Them | Bill Clanton

Why Deleted Accounts Reappear on Your Experian Credit Report and How to Dispute Them

A glimpse at Experian's account reinsertion process where accounts that were disputed and removed reappear on credit reports.

You did everything right. You filed a dispute on that account, provided evidence it wasn’t yours, and finally won—it was removed from your credit report—or so you thought. Just when you were ready to close that frustrating chapter, you checked your report and your jaw dropped. That same bogus account is back on your report again!

Seeing a deleted account inexplicably reinserted can leave you feeling bewildered and blindsided. You must be wondering how this could happen and what went wrong. We get it—it’s downright maddening and confusing.

We understand your frustration. Let us clearly state—this is not your fault. The credit bureau is completely at fault here. They are required to produce credit reports that contain only accurate information. You followed the proper dispute process to the letter. Unfortunately, the major credit reporting agencies flawed systems failed you, just as they’ve failed countless others stuck in this endless reinsertion loop.

Though this feels blindsiding and unjust, take a deep breath and know you have every right to fight this. We are here to explain why account reinsertion happens and equip you with the information needed to protect your rights. Knowledge and persistence are power. Let’s get your accurate credit report restored.

Why a Deleted Item May Reappear on Your Credit Reports

Although credit report disputes are designed to rectify any inaccuracies, there are instances where deleted items may reappear on your reports. This can be concerning and leave you wondering why such information resurfaces even after being deleted. Understanding the reasons items keep reappearing on your Experian credit report can help shed light on the situation.

  • The original creditor reports the account again – Even after you dispute an account with the credit bureaus, the original creditor (such as a bank or lender) may continue reporting the account again. The CRA then automatically reinserts it based on the updated creditor reporting.
  • The CRA reconsiders the information – The credit bureau may claim they received “new” information that justifies adding the deleted account back onto your report. However, they rarely disclose what this new information entails.
  • Automatic reinsertion through matching algorithms – When new account information comes in, CRAs rely heavily on computer algorithms to automatically match data to credit files. Errors in their matching systems often cause previously deleted accounts to reappear.
  • Lack of permanent deletion procedures – Current credit bureau procedures make it easy for accounts to “resurrect” if any information reappears that the algorithms match back to your file. True permanent deletion of disputed accounts seldom happens under the current system.

Furthermore, credit report errors can also occur during the dispute process itself. Mistakes happen, and it is possible for errors to be made when investigating and resolving credit report disputes. This can result in the unintentional reinsertion of previously deleted items on your credit report.

Harms of Having Accounts Reappear

Having a previously deleted account reinserted can wreak havoc on your credit standing in multiple ways:

  • Inaccurate information appears on your credit report – At minimum, reinserted accounts clutter your report with inaccurate, unverified information that was already disputed.
  • Significant damage to credit scores – The return of an old collections account or delinquent loan can suddenly tank a good credit score by 100 points or more in some cases. It will affect all kinds of metrics, including your credit utilization and credit history which is very damaging to your credit score.
  • Consumer confusion and difficulties disputing reinsertion – Many consumers become frustrated and confused when inaccurate information reappears after deletion. And disputing reinserted accounts often feels like a losing battle.
  • Higher loan costs – With a lowered score, reinserted accounts can saddle consumers with higher interest rates on new credit and loan costs over many years. Missed job and housing opportunities often follow as well.

What to Do if Incorrect Information Reappears on Your Experian Credit Report

Discovering that incorrect information has reappeared on your credit report can be both frustrating and alarming. However, it’s essential to approach the situation calmly and methodically to ensure the best possible resolution. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do if you find yourself facing this issue:

  1. Review Your Credit Reports Thoroughly:
    • Before taking any action, ensure that the reinserted information is indeed incorrect. Obtain copies of your credit reports from all three major credit bureaus – Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion – as the error might appear on one report and not the others.
    • The best source for your report is the annual free credit report at annualcreditreport.com.
  2. Gather Previous Documentation:
    • If you’ve disputed this information before and it was removed, gather all related documentation. This includes copies of previous disputes, correspondence with credit bureaus, and any evidence that supports your claim.
    • Check your mail, and reveiew recent mail for any notice of reinsertion.
  3. Contact the Credit Bureau(s):
    • Write to the credit bureau that is showing the incorrect information. Clearly state that the information was previously disputed and deleted, and provide copies (not originals) of the documentation that supports your claim.
    • Remember, under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), credit bureaus are required to notify you within five business days if a previously deleted item is reinserted.
  4. Reach Out to the Furnisher:
    • The furnisher is the entity that provided the information to the credit bureau, such as a lender or collection agency. Inform them of the error and the previous dispute resolution. Sometimes, addressing the issue directly with the furnisher can expedite the correction process.
    • Remember banks, debt collectors, and other furnisher do not have any obligation to act unless your dispute comes to them throught a credit bureau. So, if you dispute the information directly with a furnisher it will not work to establish a case under the FCRA, but it may help to correct the reinsertion.
  5. Re-Dispute the Information:
    • If the credit bureau or furnisher doesn’t resolve the issue, you may need to initiate a new dispute. Clearly indicate that this is a re-dispute and provide all relevant details and documentation. Expect 30 to 45 days or a normal credit reporting update to see if the information contained in report has changed.
  6. Stay Organized and Persistent:
    • Keep records of all communications, including dates, names of representatives, and any reference numbers. If you speak to anyone over the phone, take detailed notes.
  7. Consider Legal Action:
    • If the credit bureau and furnisher fail to correct the error despite your efforts, you might consider seeking legal advice. A consumer protection attorney can guide you on potential remedies under the FCRA.
  8. Monitor Your Credit Report:
    • Regularly review your credit reports to ensure the incorrect information doesn’t reappear and to catch any other potential inaccuracies. Bad credit is no good, but if its does not belong to you then its even worse.

Notice that we did not say to hire a credit repair company in here at any time.

The Bottom Line

Keeping a close eye on your credit report is crucial for maintaining a healthy credit score and financial well-being. However, even with the best intentions and efforts, deleted items may unexpectedly reappear on your credit reports. Understanding how credit report disputes work, the reasons behind the reappearance of deleted items, and what steps to take when inaccuracies occur can help you protect your credit score and financial future.

Let’s Summarize…

Keeping an eye on your credit report is essential for maintaining a healthy credit score and financial well-being. However, deleted items may sometimes reappear due to various reasons, including inaccurate information provided by the lender or creditor and credit reporting errors. If incorrect information reappears on your credit report, it’s crucial to take immediate action by contacting the credit reporting agencies, following up with the lender or creditor, and monitoring your credit report regularly. By staying proactive, you can protect your credit score and financial future.

Act Now to Protect Your Credit Rights!

If you’re experiencing the frustration of account reinsertion on your credit report, you’re not alone, and you don’t have to navigate this challenge by yourself. Our dedicated team at Clanton Law Office is focused on addressing these exact issues, ensuring your credit report accurately reflects your financial history. Don’t let reinsertion errors tarnish your credit score and financial reputation. Contact us today, and let’s take decisive action together to safeguard your credit rights and future!


Can a Deleted Item Be Put Back on Your Credit Report?

One question that often arises when deleted items reappear on credit reports is whether a deleted item can be put back on your report. The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) governs how credit reporting agencies handle consumer information, including deleted items.

According to the FCRA, the credit reporting agencies are required to follow specific guidelines when reporting information on a credit report. If a deleted item is being put back on your credit report, it could potentially be a violation of the FCRA. You have the right to dispute the reinserted information and request its removal once again.

Why a Deleted Item Might Reappear on Your Credit Report

Understanding why a previously deleted item might reappear on your credit report is crucial in addressing and rectifying the situation. Here are some possible reasons:

1. Inaccurate Information: The reinsertion of a deleted item could be a result of inaccurate information provided by the lender or creditor. Mistakes happen, and it’s essential to ensure that the information being reported is accurate and up-to-date.

2. Credit Report Errors: The credit reporting agencies are responsible for accurately reporting your credit information. However, errors can occur during the dispute process itself, resulting in the unintentional reinsertion of previously deleted items.

If Experian deletes an account that was disputed as inaccurate and a creditor puts it back on, does Experian automatically remove it?

If Experian deletes an account that you disputed as inaccurate and the creditor subsequently reinserts it on your credit report, Experian is not automatically responsible for removing it. However, you do have options to rectify the situation.

The first step is to reach out to Experian and inform them of the reappeared item. Provide them with any supporting evidence or documentation that proves the account is inaccurate. Experian is legally obligated to investigate your claim and take appropriate action.

Simultaneously, you should contact the creditor who reinserted the account and request clarification. If the account is indeed inaccurate or should not be on your credit report, the creditor should update or remove it.

It is important to remember that you have rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). If the creditor and Experian fail to resolve the issue satisfactorily, you may consider seeking legal advice to protect your rights and rectify the situation.

Legitimate Reasons for Information To Reappear

While it is frustrating when deleted items reappear on your credit report, there are legitimate reasons for information to resurface. Here are some examples:

1. Verification by the Creditor: When you dispute an item on your credit report, the credit reporting agencies reach out to the lender or creditor and request verification of the information. If the lender responds with valid evidence supporting their claim, the information may be considered accurate and reinserted on your credit report.

2. Updated Information: Sometimes, the reappeared information is the result of updated reporting by the lender or creditor. They might have recently updated their records and provided the revised information to the credit reporting agencies.

Illegitimate Reasons for Information To Reappear

While there are legitimate reasons for information to reappear on your credit report, there can also be illegitimate reasons. These may include:

1. Reinsertion without Verification: The credit reporting agencies are legally required to verify and investigate any disputed information. If an item reappears without proper verification or investigation, it could be an illegitimate reason.

2. Failure to Update Information: If a lender, creditor, or debt collection agency fails to update the information on your credit report despite being notified of its inaccuracy, it can be considered an illegitimate reason for the reapperance of the item.

Why was an account removed then put back on my credit report?

An account may be removed from your credit report after a successful dispute or if the credit bureau determines it should not be there. However, it can be put back if the furnisher (like a lender or collection agency) provides new or additional information that justifies its presence. The credit bureau is required to notify you within five business days if a previously deleted item is reinserted.

Can a collection be removed then added again?

Yes, if a collection was removed due to a dispute or other reasons, it can be re-added if the collection agency provides further evidence or verification that the debt is valid. As with other reinsertions, you should be notified of this change.

Why did my student loans disappear then reappear?

Student loans can disappear and then reappear due to various reasons. One common reason is when loans are transferred between servicers. During the transfer, the loan might temporarily disappear and then reappear once the new servicer reports it. Additionally, if you disputed the loan and it was temporarily removed, it could reappear if the original lender or servicer provides verification of its validity.

Can the same account be listed twice on your credit report?

Yes, it’s possible but not correct. This usually happens due to reporting errors by lenders or credit bureaus. For instance, if an account was sold to a collection agency, both the original lender and the agency might report it. Duplicate listings can negatively impact your credit score.

Can something removed from my credit report be put back on?

Yes, if an item was removed from your credit report, it can be reinserted if the furnisher provides new or additional information that supports its presence. The credit bureau should notify you if this happens.

Can something removed from credit report come back?

Yes, items that were previously removed, whether due to disputes, errors, or other reasons, can come back if the furnisher provides additional information or verification that justifies its presence on the report.

Why is something on my credit report twice?

This typically happens due to reporting errors. An account might appear twice if it’s reported by both the original creditor and a collection agency, or if there’s a mistake in the credit bureau’s system. Duplicate entries can affect your credit score, so it’s essential to address them.

How do I dispute a duplicate account on my credit report?

To dispute a duplicate account:

  1. Obtain a copy of your credit report from all three major credit bureaus.
  2. Identify the duplicate account on each report.
  3. File a dispute with the credit bureau(s) where the duplicate appears, providing evidence that the account is listed twice.
  4. Keep copies of all correspondence and track the progress of your dispute.

How do I remove duplicate accounts from my credit report?

The first step to remove negative information, including duplicate accounts is to:

  1. File a dispute with the credit bureau that shows the duplicate entry.
  2. Provide evidence, such as account statements or previous credit reports, to support your claim.
  3. The credit bureau will investigate, and if they determine the duplicate is an error, they will remove it. If they don’t, you may need to contact the furnisher or consider seeking legal advice. Expect this process to take about 30 days.

Should I file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

When your disptues don’t work and the credit reporting companies don’t remove false information that is damaging to your credit score, its easy to get frustrated. We’ve seen lots of folks file CFPB complaints. While this requires the credit agencies to respond, we haven’t seen anyone’s report change or score improve. It documents it in the CFPB’s system which is good, but does not seem to help you improve your credit.

About The Author

Bill Clanton

Over the years my office has helped thousands of consumers who were cheated, ripped-off, and mistreated by debt collectors, credit reporting agencies, banks, credit unions, and car dealers. If you have a problem with a business being dishonest with you give me a call. I’d love to set them straight.